ECHO ICT Emergency Response Training

ECHO ICT Emergency Response Training





 Beyond its extensive emergency response work, Télécoms Sans Frontières is equally considered as the leading organisation in providing hands-on technology training for NGOs and institutions across the globe.


"Capacity building in preparation for humanitarian crises is crucial for the effective implementation of coordination mechanisms, especially in support of ground operations." Sébastien Latouille, Delegate for TSF Asia/Pacific and Lead Instructor


With this role in mind, the European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection body (ECHO) approached TSF to request a specific ICT emergency training session for their own tech experts.


ECHO trainees came to Bangkok from the four corners of the globe to participate in the week-long training co-funded by ECHO, with a total of 10 countries and 8 European Commission field offices represented.


"Whilst the training sessions are essentially telecoms based, it is important for us to expose every aspect of emergency response from logistics and financial preparedness to bandwidth management and power sourcing" adds Sébastien. Indeed, trainees are provided with both theoretical and hands-on sessions, with at the end of the week a simulation exercise (SIMEX) allowing them to put the skills they have acquired to the test.


Subject covered include:


- Telecoms and satellite communications in the emergency context

- TCP/IP, routers and advanced Wi-Fi

- GPS/mapping and tracking

- BGAN data connection and monitoring

- VSAT installation

- Data collection and sharing (ODK, FrontlineSMS, Kobo Toolbox)


Since 2009, TSF has organised several training sessions of which the aim is to reinforce IT specialists' skills in the emergency response field, through the use of information and communication technology. More than 800 representatives from various NGOs, UN agencies and local authorities have been able to benefit from these programmes. Thanks to this, TSF continues to contribute to the strengthening of aptitudes in the emergency response domain, optimising global response and supporting life-saving operations.
